Homes for the Homeless has assisted more than 47,000 families and 80,000 children by providing shelter, education on subjects from parenting to job-seeking skills, case management, child care, and health care services because we know that ending the cycle of family homelessness calls for more than a housing-only response. Our Early Childhood Education Centers have evolved to offer a creative, comprehensive education-based program—including universal pre-K—through EarlyLearn NYC, and our afterschool programs and summer camps provide children with educational enrichment year-round. Parents in our shelters have more opportunities than ever to take part in workshops on parenting, conflict resolution, job seeking, and healthy living for themselves and their children. Our newly created Family Works internship program provides graduates with a path to employment through on-the-job training in our facilities, mock interviews, resume building, and other career assistance. The opportunities provided by our shelters have helped thousands of parents and their children attain a brighter future.