Culinary Articles

Coming March 2022: 3-day Barista Training Workshop

Coming March 2022: 3-day Barista Training Workshop Starting in March,  Allie’s Place Center for Culinary Education and Employment will be rolling out a 3-day Barista training workshop. In the class, students will learn about coffee, its cultivation, processing,  roasting, and brewing. Students will be introduced to latte art, while learning a variety of

2024-02-02T11:17:33-05:00February 16th, 2022|

Best Way to Recruit for the Culinary Employment Training Program? Chef Evan’s Pumpkin Pie Recipe, of course!

Allie’s Place Center for Culinary Education and Employment kicked off the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend with a food giveaway. The Culinary team prepared a delicious six-part meal for families to enjoy. The menu included cornbread, baked macaroni and cheese, collard greens, half of a chicken, homemade gravy, and a pumpkin pie. 

2024-02-02T11:18:16-05:00December 3rd, 2021|

Take a Sneak Peek at the Garden at Allie’s Place

Take a Sneak Peek at the Garden at Allie’s Place From teaching students to propagate mint to harvesting arugula and green onions to be distributed among residents at Allie’s Place Family Residence, Jasmin Jimenez, the Gardener at Allie’s Place

2024-02-02T11:18:46-05:00November 16th, 2021|

First Knife Skills Cohort Graduates from Allie’s Place Center for Culinary Education & Employment

First Knife Skills Cohort Graduates from Allie's Place Center for Culinary Education & Employment This November, Allie's Place Center for Culinary Education & Employment graduated its first Knife Skills cohort. The Center's Knife Skills program consists of six sessions covering the foundations of kitchen culture and cutting techniques. Knife Skills, as with all of

2021-10-20T15:47:40-05:00November 15th, 2020|

Cooking Up New Approaches to Culinary Education at HFH

Cooking Up New Approaches to Culinary Education at HFH Opening its doors at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Allie’s Place Center for Culinary Education & Employment has learned to be nimble, resilient, and innovative from the beginning. As HFH’s culinary staff gear up to welcome their first co-hort of students for the Center’s

2022-06-08T10:00:55-05:00September 25th, 2020|

HFH Culinary Team Tackles Virtual Learning with “What’s Cooking at Allies’ Place”

HFH Culinary Team Tackles Virtual Learning with “What’s Cooking at Allies’ Place” With in-person learning on hold for the time being, the culinary team at HFH has taken on the world of virtual culinary education. Every Thursday, each student and their parent is provided with all necessary ingredients and cooking utensils needed to master

2021-10-20T15:48:01-05:00July 2nd, 2020|

Director of Culinary Education at HFH Talks Baking with

Director of Culinary Education at HFH Talks Baking with In a recent article on, Robert Seixas, Director of Culinary Education at HFH, chatted with Randi Gollin about the "The biggest mistakes you make when baking muffins." Seixas highlighted the importance of preheating the oven when baking, reminding bakers to let the oven

2021-10-20T15:48:11-05:00June 4th, 2020|
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