Homes for the Homeless (HFH) operates six shelters for families with children in the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. We offer free, on-site childcare, early education programming, afterschool-recreation, wrap-around social services, and employment training, as well as a variety of referrals and access to citywide resources depending on the site.

On-site resources may include recreation and afterschool classrooms, computer labs, and playgrounds. The sites are a place where parents and children can learn and grow as they embark on the path to housing and economic stability. Mothers drop youngsters off at 3k and 4k on their way to work, after-school teachers greet kids as they come home from school, and families bond together at special community events. While students take educational field trips to museums and city landmarks, adults meet with employment and housing specialists who help them prepare for job interviews, learn valuable life skills, and find apartments. New York City Department of Education Liaisons work to ensure that children are enrolled in and attend school. Overall, residents and community members are embraced by a supportive system that encourages individuals and families to grow, achieve, and succeed.

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Allie’s Place Family Residence (APFR)

Bronx, NY
Est. 2020

Serves 99 families with approximately 90 children on any given day

Clinton Family Residence (CFR)

Manhattan, NY
Est. 2022

Serves 81 families with approximately 90 children on any given day

Prospect Family Residence (PFR)

Bronx, NY
Est. 1986

Serves 88 families with approximately 90 children on any given day

Saratoga Family Residence (SFR)

Queens, NY
Est. 1987

Serves 255 families with approximately 335 children on any given day

Williamsbridge Family Residence (WFR)

Bronx, NY
Est. 2004

Serves 88 families with approximately 72 children on any given day

Island Family Residence (IFR)

Staten Island, NY
Est. 2023

Serves up to 109 families with approximately 103 children on any given day

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