Prospect Family Residence

Celebrating Superheroes: A Recap of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day at HFH

This spring, our family residences buzzed with heartfelt celebrations as parents, kids, and staff came together to show appreciation to the wonderful parents with memorable Mother’s Day and Father’s Day events. While the majority of HFH households are female-led, it’s important to recognize the significant presence of fathers within the HFH community. This Mother’s

2023-11-17T09:31:38-05:00July 3rd, 2023|

Showcasing the Power of Dance and Mindfulness at Prospect Afterschool & Rec Showcase

In December, the students in Prospect’s Afterschool and Rec program ended their semester-long dance residence with DMF Youth by sharing their accomplishments with friends and families at an unforgettable final showcase. Wearing matching “Prospect Panthers” T-shirts—the Prospect Afterschool & Rec mascot—designed by Afterschool and Recreation Supervisor Patricia Striggles,

2023-03-14T08:14:17-05:00February 2nd, 2023|

HFH Halloween Hullabaloo

A spooky spin on picture day—the Early Ed kiddos and staff at Prospect Family Residence were dressed to impress for a spook-tacular photoshoot. Saratoga gave us pumpkin to talk about with

2023-03-14T08:39:00-05:00November 21st, 2022|

Back-to-School Roundup!

Prospect, Allie’s Place, and Saratoga Family Residences held Back-to-School backpack giveaways, thanks to donations from KidCare, Volunteers of America, and Free Arts NYC. These students were well-prepared as they kicked off the 2022-23 school year! Saratoga dove

2023-03-14T08:46:29-05:00September 20th, 2022|
  • black history month

Oral Storyteller Brings African Folktales to Young Learners

Adadoma Bediako, an oral storyteller, visited Prospect Early Childhood Education Center for an interactive lesson on African folktales. The storytelling show formed a part of the children's Black History Month celebrations, which also included lessons on black inventors like Garrett Morgan, inventor of the traffic light. Bediako began the lesson with a folktale

2022-07-22T15:04:47-05:00March 11th, 2020|

Prospect Afterschool Launches New Partnership With DreamYard

Last week, the Prospect Lions launched a new partnership with DreamYard, a Bronx-based arts nonprofit working at the intersection of social just and arts education. During her first class with Prospect Afterschool, Cindy Ferrer, an instructor for DreamYard, led students through a series of icebreakers, encouraging them to connect with one another over

2022-06-08T10:36:19-05:00February 21st, 2020|
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